Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Why snoop and spy on your partner? Is there a guide to this?

This is the first official publication from the TBSENT. Which is on Snooping and Spying.

I personally wish to call the attention of my ardent readers to the publication because it deals with the very serious and on going issue in our marital homes today.

Is snooping or spying on your spouse the best way to guarantee your place in your partners heart or home? or
Do you believe Spying on your partner should send messages of your un dieing love for him or her?
Does snooping around your partner has anything with trust issues?
Do you believe in privacy as to married couples when the Bible actually talks about 2 becoming 1 after marriage?

These are a few of the question we would try to find a possible answer to and also for your also send your comments and opinion.

This publication is born out of curiosity, I got a call from a friend who at the moment is threatening to quit his marriage due to his wife not wanting to allow him privacy on his phone and laptops. He complains about his wife reading through his texts and also going as far as spying his password to his Facebook and twitter accounts just to make sure her quest to find him cheating is satisfied. Now I thought to myself, before trying to find out things about your spouse, Have you totally checked yourself and find out that you have no secrets that you would never want your spouse to find out about?

What has born in you the tendency to spy and snoop on your spouse? Don't you trust him/her enough?
Only a person with trust issues would always doubt anyone, Remember if you can't trust him/her why be with him/her. Personally i feel snooping and spying is born out of low self esteem, complex and insecurity. Naturally no man or woman should feel insecure with his/her partner when he/she hasn't given you a reason to.

I would personally welcome your thoughts opinion in this.

Weird but True... The World Richest washes dishes for fun

Bill Gates, the world’s richest man, likes to wash dishes so much that he does it every night, he revealed Monday during an “ask me anything” session on Reddit.
Redditor briannnf asked him:

“I’d just like to know, what is something you enjoy doing that you think no one would expect from you?”
Bill Gates: Playing Bridge is a pretty old fashioned thing in a way that I really like. I was watching my daughter ride horses this weekend and that is also a bit old fashioned but fun. I do the dishes every night – other people volunteer but I like the way I do it.
That’s a pretty surprising thing for him to chose to do, given that washing dishes isn’t generally considered a fun activity.
But he’s not alone in doing the dishes because he feel he does it best. There’s even a term for that, thanks to the blog A Michelle Moment: Dishwasher Packing Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (DPOCD). You can even buy greeting cards for those with DPOCD.